How modern hyperscalers affect the architecture of IoT

How modern hyperscalers affect the architecture of IoT

The IoT architecture has evolved rapidly in the past few years. The transition of companies to cloud technologies, the introduction of AI and automated systems indicate that the IT community is actively preparing for the era of the Internet of things (IoT).

Data center giants such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services play an important role in this process. They provide tools capable of processing hundreds of terabytes of data, thereby reducing the cost of investing in IoT architecture.

Fully becoming IoT for business means new efficiency, resilience, and increased profitability for companies. Find out how hyperscalers affect the Internet of Things and why it matters.

What are hyperscalers

Hyper-scalers are large technology companies that operate large-scale data centers and provide a wide range of services in the field of cloud computing, information storage, and other related services.

These companies create and manage global data networks, providing fast and reliable access to information anywhere in the world. Usually, they offer their services in the form of cloud platforms that allow companies and individuals to host and process data remotely.

Examples of the most famous hyperscalers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM Cloud, Alibaba Cloud.

The role of hyperscalers in the IoT ecosystem

Powerful cloud platforms that can scale with growing data and devices provide the flexibility and rapid deployment of an IoT architecture for business without the need to invest in additional computing resources and infrastructure.

Hyperscalers have powerful data analysis and machine learning tools that are used to process and extract valuable information. It allows organizations to create innovative solutions based on IoT data.

Giant companies play the role of an intermediary and facilitator in building the IoT architecture. They provide platforms and infrastructure that enable different actors in the ecosystem to collaborate and interact.

Why is it important for telecom operators and telecommunications companies

The development of the Internet of things is extremely important for telecom operators and telecommunications companies for several reasons:

  • increasing the number of connected devices;
  • new opportunities for monetization;
  • growing data volumes and analytics capabilities;
  • need to improve security and improve network management.

In general, the development of IoT for business creates conditions for telecom operators and telecommunications companies to expand their business, introduce new services and effectively manage the growing number of connected devices.

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