Cloud Communications: Understanding the Differences between IaaS, PaaS and SaaS for Business

Cloud Communications: Understanding the Differences between IaaS, PaaS and SaaS for Business

Cloud technologies, or computing (от англ. cloud computing), not only affects the daily life of a person but also changes the rules of doing business. Due to the fact that the market for Internet services is constantly evolving, offering companies new tools, business processes become more flexible, and the cost of maintaining logistics is reduced.

Cloud communications as one of the main aspects of cloud computing provide the possibility of interaction between people and computers using remote Internet resources. Understanding how deployment strategies differ will help you determine the best set of services to meet your needs for control, flexibility, and manageability.

In this article, we'll look at the three main cloud communication models: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.

IaaS: what it is and how it works

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) — the most flexible type of cloud technology in operation with an easy deployment process. This model provides remote access to traditional infrastructure, including basic elements such as virtual servers, CRM systems, data warehouses, and more.

In simple words, “infrastructure as a service” is the rental of computing resources in the provider’s cloud, through which the client receives a certain set of tools he needs. Here the operator controls the physical compliance and operability of the equipment, while the user independently configures and maintains the software.

In IaaS, customers get access to public cloud resources and can use them to manage applications and services without creating their own data center. 

Benefits of IaaS

Key Benefits of IaaS Cloud Communication

  1. Flexibility. Clients independently choose which servers to use, which operating systems to install and which applications to run.
  2. Economic efficiency. Companies do not need to buy equipment for the arrangement of internal infrastructure but will have to pay for a specific set of services.
  3. Saving time. Renting a ready-made solution speeds up the launch of the product.

Thus, IaaS is suitable for companies that want to gain control over their infrastructure without large investments but can provide support for it.

PaaS: Definition and Specifics

PaaS (Platform as a Service) — a type of cloud communications that provides the user with a ready-made platform to run applications. In this case, the platform as a service provider provides services for testing and deploying applications, including databases, servers, and development tools. The provider is responsible for the physical provision of the platform and technical support for all services.

Unlike IaaS, where clients access the physical infrastructure, in PaaS, users can influence the tools and services that enable them to build and deploy applications in the cloud.

Benefits of PaaS

The benefits of Platform as a Service cloud technology include: 

  1. Operational deployability. PaaS users can develop their applications faster and more efficiently, allowing them to release products in a short amount of time.
  2. Automation of processes. Support and regular OS updates come from the provider, and this gives the client well-tuned business processes.
  3. Variability. Despite the fact that PaaS is almost a ready-made product, the customer has the opportunity to make changes to the technology, adjusting its services to suit their needs.
  4. Resource Saving. The model allows customers to use the platform's computing resources, which can significantly reduce hardware and maintenance costs.

However, along with these advantages, PaaS also comes with limitations. For example, companies cannot use their own solutions and tools. Platform as a Service may be less flexible and customizable than Infrastructure as a Service, limiting the client's ability to optimize the platform for their needs.

SaaS Overview and Examples

SaaS (Software as a Service) — this is the most common model of cloud communications, which provides the user with ready-made software as a cloud service on a remote server. In SaaS, clients do not manage infrastructure, but access ready-made applications through a web browser.

Here, the providers are both developers and service providers. The user only buys access to the service or uses it free of charge. Popular examples of SaaS platforms: Dropbox, Google Doc, WhatsApp. 

The main client of SaaS services is an ordinary Internet user. Business resorts to integration with such platforms for various purposes: improving the efficiency of work processes, interacting with consumers, and others. 

For example, WhatsApp developers propose to implement their communication solution in companies' CRM systems. This can be done directly or using the services of the official provider - telecommunications company Decision Telecom.

Benefits of SaaS

Within the framework of the software as a service model, the following benefits are opened to the client: 

  1. He receives a ready-made product, which means he does not need to deploy his own solution.
  2. Has access to software applications from anywhere in the world through the Internet.
  3. Doesn't require software to be installed on his device. 
  4. Protected by a high level of security.
  5. Saves money on developing your own software. Buying a ready-made solution is many times more profitable.

Among the limitations of the SaaS cloud technology, we note the lack of the ability to configure and integrate with other applications and systems. Also, SaaS users are limited by the functionality of the provided applications and cannot use their own solutions or tools.

How to choose between IaaS, SaaS and PaaS

At first glance, cloud models are very similar, but each of them opens up unique features and opportunities for businesses. If you decide to delegate part of the authority to an IaaS, PaaS or SaaS provider, when choosing cloud technologies, start from the specifics and goals of the business. 

Infrastructure as a Service will help you create a basic IT infrastructure at minimal cost to work on elementary tasks. 

Platform as a Service is useful for companies that work on tasks that require high capacities but do not want to spend time on technical support. 

Software as a Service is a great solution for quickly implementing a finished product into your business. 

Hybrid Cloud Communications

Many companies prefer to use hybrid cloud technologies that combine elements of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. For example, you can use AWS for data storage, Salesforce Platform for application development, Microsoft Office 365 for office work. 

Hybrid cloud communications allow companies to reduce the cost of IT infrastructure and at the same time choose the best solutions for diverse tasks.

In general, IaaS, PaaS and SaaS models provide different levels of access to infrastructure, platform and software. Each of these types of cloud communications has advantages and limitations, and the choice depends on the needs of a particular company. The right solution will help your business increase efficiency, reduce costs and increase competitiveness in the market.

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