Trusted by over 5000 companies

Official Alpha tag
Official Alpha tag

Communicate with your customers using the official name and logo of your company, thereby increasing the level of trust

Flexible support
Flexible support

Provide your customers with 24/7 support using our communication solutions in a format convenient for them

Advanced features
Advanced features

Send multimedia notifications containing images, geolocation and buttons linked to your website to your customers in the sphere of logistics

Improve the quality of interaction with customers
Customer experience

Improve the quality of interaction with customers

Notify your customers of the current location of their package, its arrival, or estimated delivery time through the channels they prefer using

Thanks to IT-Decision Telecom’s communication solutions for logistics, you can be in touch with your customers regardless of their location

Get valuable feedback from your customers. Find out their opinion about the quality of service, as well as their wishes, and provide prompt technical support

Choose reliable logistics solutions
Communication solutions

Choose reliable logistics solutions

Assure the safety of your customers and employees with two-factor authentication to prevent data hacking and frauds

Automate all shipping detail notifications across multiple communication channels with our easy API integration

Create your own reliable database for sending messages to your customers and making voice calls to valid telephone numbers only, thereby improving communication efficiency

All communications in one place

All communications in one place

Centralize your communication with customers through all communication channels using a universal interface. It stores the entire history of interaction for easy tracking and analysis of customer journeys in order to improve service quality and increase loyalty to the company

DecisionTelecom’s platform helped us at MediaHub significantly improve our customer communication. Before DecisionTelecom, customer used to be served manually, but now these processes are more automated, economically efficient, and user-friendly. Now our customers have a seamless customer journey, and at the same time we have cut our costs by about 40%.
Roman Peresunko, Head of advertising agency "MediaHub"
Roman Peresunko, Head of advertising agency
DecisionTelecom made our integration quick and easy. By adding WhatsApp, Viber and SMS as customers communications channels, with DecisionTelecom's API, we significantly increased our conversion rate. In addition, our customers are more satisfied as now we are able to manage multiple conversations across our customers' preferred channels.
Andriy Kamchatkin CEO, INPRIME
Andriy Kamchatkin CEO, INPRIME
Discover a universal way of communications with your customers anywhere in the world

Create exceptional customer experience with next generation communications platform. Our main aim is to help you seamlessly launch your project. Ready to start sending business messages with DecisionTelecom? 

Flawless logistics through communication nonvoice means

The transport component in doing business is extremely important. Without competently organized transportation, a company's activities are unlikely to receive a constant impetus for development. If you are engaged in the provision of such services or the company has its own transport capacity, then correctly used communication solutions for logistics are simply essential. In this direction, it is possible to implement special software, or it is possible to successfully integrate the tools offered by large Internet companies. Connecting Viber for business makes transportation much easier. The price here is several orders of magnitude lower than the benefits received.

The system of movement of goods is very dependent on external circumstances. Without properly organized communication channels, it is impossible to implement the developed schemes. Communication solutions for freight logistics must take into account all the peculiarities of the environment with an adequate response to its changes. Decision Telecom has enough experience in this area to help any enterprise to establish the proper level of information exchange.

Features of digital integration in transportation

The usual communication by means of means of communication no longer satisfies the needs of carriers. Transmitting only text information limits a company's potential, which means that more flexible solutions are needed. If you do not know where to start, we recommend installing a fairly versatile WhatsApp for business, which has great potential.

Competent communication solutions for organizational logistics can achieve the following goals:

  • Organize stable monitoring of cargo tracking;
  • provide an instant exchange of information with staff and customers;
  • to establish secure transactions remotely.

A nice bonus is that the cost of common tools is lower than special programs. Thus, the RCS messages embedded in the general communication scheme are affordable and their capabilities are broad.

Comprehensive communication setup

Communication solutions for logistics and transportation are problematic to get up and running without specialists. It is only profitable to maintain a staff of qualified engineers in this field for organizations with a significant turnover of funds and a multinational business base. IT-Decision Telecom approaches this issue with the highest degree of responsibility. Even such an affordable option as SMS for business with our help will be able to solve a very wide range of tasks.

In a European country like Ukraine, which is completely covered by a road network, communication solutions always pay off. Communication solutions for enterprise logistics are of paramount importance here. At the same time, the price for the starting options is quite loyal. You can order the basic features and then build up the potential. Our company offers only services that have received good recommendations from customers and really help to develop the business.

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