Top 9 Advertising Techniques to Reach Your Audience in 2024
Sergii Diachenko
Sergii Diachenko
CEO at DecisionTelecom

Top 9 Advertising Techniques to Reach Your Audience in 2024

Customers are bombarded with ads everywhere. How can your business stand out? Traditional advertising, in many cases, may not be powerful enough. That's why businesses should always be open to fresh, innovative methods. To change how a company can reach and engage customers, it can use some business messaging tools, such as SMS, Voice tech, RCS, etc.

To effectively engage with their target customers in the continuously changing world of digital marketing, firms must remain ahead of the curve. Here are the top 9 advertising strategies enabling you to connect with consumers in 2024.


9 common advertising techniques that drive engagement

Traditional advertising strategies frequently fail in the oversaturated digital world of today. Businesses must use cutting-edge and successful methods if they want to stand out and engage their target audience. Here are the top 9 different advertising techniques that will help you connect with consumers in 2024.


1. Social proof

Gaining credibility and trust from your audience may be possible if you make effective use of social proof. Recommendations and firsthand accounts are more likely to be trusted by the public than explicit marketing messaging. There are some ways to include social proof in your advertising strategy:

  1. Create a Testimonials Section: Provide a part of your website where thorough client testimonials and case studies are shown. This boosts the trust that potential buyers have in your business by enabling them to learn more about other people's experiences.
  2. Highlight Great Testimonials and Reviews: Display authentic client testimonials in your advertisements to show that people are satisfied. For openness, choose different testimonials that highlight various aspects of your offer.
  3. Include Customer Quotes: Include enticing testimonials from satisfied clients that emphasize certain advantages or experiences. This strengthens the good aspects of your service and adds authenticity.
  4. Use User-Generated Content (UGC): Motivate your clients to produce and distribute brand-related material. User-generated content (UGC) on social media, such as pictures, videos, and reviews, gives real recommendations and inspires people to interact with your business.

You may increase the legitimacy of your advertising efforts and build closer relationships with your target audience by utilizing social proof efficiently. To ensure your audience believes these recommendations are real and reliable, you need to be transparent and sincere.


2. Make it a story instead of a sales pitch

Making your message resonate via narrative instead of merely a sales pitch might help you build a strong emotional connection with your audience. Narratives have the power to create enduring impressions and foster robust brand loyalty.

Here's how to successfully use storytelling in your advertising campaign:

  1. Make It a Story, Not a Sales Pitch: Instead of concentrating just on advertising your goods, create an engaging tale. By using a story approach, you may connect with your audience on a deeper level and increase the impact and memory of your message.
  2. Create an Emotional Connection: Tales arouse feelings, and customer choices are influenced by emotional bonds. To create tales that connect with your audience's experiences and feelings, it is important to understand their beliefs, goals, and areas of discomfort.
  3. Create Lasting Impressions: An engaging narrative captivates readers long after they've seen your advertisement. Employ narrative techniques to showcase your brand's development, the difficulties you've faced, and the benefits you provide for your clients.
  4. Know Your Audience: Adapt your narrative to your target audience's values and feelings. Find out through in-depth study what inspires them and the kinds of stories that resonate and uplift them.
  5. Create a Powerful Brand Story: Create a unified brand narrative that effectively conveys your goals, values, and mission. Each of your marketing channels and touchpoints should be a consistent reflection of this overarching narrative.
  6. Share Snippets of Your Story: Share different parts of your tale on different channels. Use in-app advertisements to create an interactive storytelling experience, make eye-catching video commercials that visually express your tale, and send interesting snippets through SMS campaigns.

Establish a more sympathetic and interesting brand presence by including a narrative in your advertising plan. Narratives have the power to not only grab readers' interest but also to establish a stronger bond that promotes advocacy and allegiance.


3. Omnichannel Marketing

This strategy guarantees that your brand is visible to your consumers everywhere, resulting in a streamlined and cohesive experience. Here's how you put an effective omnichannel strategy into practice:

  1. Be Wherever Your Customers Are: Customers in the modern market engage with companies through different channels. It's critical to be present on the channels your consumers use, whether it's online advertising, mobile ads (SMS, RCS, email, social media), or messaging applications like Viber and WhatsApp.
  2. Employ a Variety of Methods: Communicate with your target audience using the advertising methods that they prefer. Mix social media for engagement, email for comprehensive information, SMS for rapid updates, and online and mobile advertisements for maximum exposure. Adjust your strategy following with the tastes and actions of your clients.
  3. Consistent Messaging Across Platforms: Make sure that your brand's purpose, content, and messaging are all the same across all your media. This strengthens your identity and core values by establishing a unified brand experience. Inconsistencies weaken audience trust in your brand and can confuse them.
  4. Unified Brand Experience: By combining all touchpoints, provide a smooth user experience. A consumer should have a pleasant experience while interacting with your brand through email, social media, or your website. This entails employing messaging, voice, and graphics consistently.
  5. Avoid Mixed Messages: Effective communication is essential. Confusion and distrust can result from conflicting signals. Ensure clarity and trust by aligning your marketing strategy and consumer interactions with your brand's promise and values.

Meet your consumers where they are and deliver a dependable, interesting, and consistent brand experience across all focal points by embracing omnichannel marketing. This increases long-term engagement and client happiness while also fostering loyalty.


4. Repetition

To guarantee that your brand stays in the forefront of consumers' minds even when you are not in direct sight, repetition is a crucial advertising technique. Here's how to employ repetition to your advantage and solidify your brand:

  1. Leverage the Power of Familiarity: People are more likely to remember your brand if they see it regularly. Trust is fostered by familiarity, and regular exposure may convert prospective clients into devoted ones.
  2. Keep Your Branding Consistent: Create a powerful brand identity and ensure your images are the same on all platforms. Make sure all your advertising and communication channels have the same logo, colors, typefaces, and messaging. As a result, a consistent and identifiable brand identity is created.
  3. Use a Variety of Channels: Share your message using platforms, including print, radio, TV commercial, email marketing, and social media advertising. You increase the likelihood that your audience will come across your brand more than once by doing this. They are likely to watch it on another channel if they miss it on one, which strengthens brand memory.
  4. Create a Unified Message: Make sure your primary points stay the same regardless of the platform and format. Having a consistent message makes it easier for consumers to remember your brand.
  5. Avoid Being Spammy: While repetition is essential, you want to find the right balance to keep your audience from being too overwhelmed. Ad fatigue and a bad impression of your brand might result from excessive exposure. To keep it interesting, properly space out your advertising and change up the material.

You may improve brand memory and establish a closer bond with your audience by using repetition skillfully. Customers are more likely to choose your brand when shopping if it is present in their environment. This builds familiarity and trust.


5. Ask Questions and Spark Curiosity

Asking questions to your audience may be a really powerful advertising strategy. You may start a two-way dialogue that not only attracts attention but strengthens the bond between your audience and your brand by arousing their interest.

Here's how to make the most of this strategy:

  1. Inquire in Your Advertisements: Create inquiries that will make people want to learn more and will challenge them to reflect. You can ask thought-provoking, need-relevant, or explicitly product- or service-related questions. This strategy encourages conversation and gives your audience a sense of involvement.
  2. Start Two-Way Conversations: Your advertisements that ask questions invite discussion. Through this engagement, you can assist your audience get a deeper, more meaningful relationship and improve their knowledge of your brand. To establish rapport and trust, address their responses and participate in two-way conversations.
  3. Make Use of Engaging, Interactive Tools: Use technologies like chatbots for RCS (Rich Communication Services), WhatsApp surveys, and SMS polls. These platforms give you a way to get insightful input from your audience in addition to engaging them. You may enhance your ad campaigns and your goods and services by being aware of the preferences and viewpoints of your audience.
  4. Collect and Apply Feedback: Invite your audience to contribute their ideas and insights. Utilize the input gathered via interactive technologies to inform data-driven choices. With the help of precious feedback, you can improve and modify your products to better suit the changing demands of your target market.

Make captivating and interactive advertisements that connect with your viewers by posing queries and piquing their curiosity. This method not only draws in customers, but it also helps them connect with your business on a more genuine, deeper level.


6. The Psychology of Color

Emotions, attitudes, and perceptions may all be strongly influenced by color. Using color intelligently can help you achieve the following goals:

  1. Evoke Emotions: A variety of hues may evoke a range of emotions. Red, for example, might imply hurry and enthusiasm, but blue is typically associated with tranquility and trust. By being aware of these connections, you can create messages that emotionally connect with your audience.
  2. Align with Brand Personality: Select a color scheme that embodies the character and principles of your company. For instance, an eco-friendly business would choose green to represent sustainability and nature, while a luxury firm might use elegant black and gold.
  3. Consistency Across Visuals: Apply your selected brand colors consistently throughout social media postings and over-the-top (OTT) messaging initiatives, and other marketing materials. This consistency helps maintain brand identification and increases brand recognition.
  4. Take Cultural Differences into Account: Be aware of how different cultures interpret the same hue. Understanding the cultural background of your audience is crucial to preventing misunderstandings since various cultures have different meanings attached to colors.
  5. Color Harmony: Make sure the colors in your palette are pleasing to the eye. By combining complementary hues, you may improve the overall visual emotional appeal and balance of your advertisement.

Improve your marketing efforts, build brand identification, and produce more emotionally and compellingly engaging ads that connect with your audience by carefully utilizing color psychology.


7. Influencer Marketing

Influencer promotion is still one of the best ways to connect and engage your target market. You may take advantage of their existing credibility and reach by collaborating with prominent bloggers and social media influencers to market your products. The following are some tips for maximizing influencer marketing:

  1. Collaborate with Influencers: Assemble a team of influencers who share your beliefs and connect with your target audience. These partnerships may be compensated or may entail giving out free goods, bundles, or memberships in return for endorsements and advertising.
  2. Various Promotion Channels: Ask influencers to promote your company using a range of platforms and formats, such as blog entries, podcasts, videos, social media postings, and user-generated content (UGC). Utilizing many channels optimizes visibility and interaction.
  3. Honest Reviews: Request sincere and genuine evaluations of your goods or services from influencers. Authenticity increases the legitimacy of your brand and fosters trust among your fans.
  4. Creative Campaigns: Collaborate with influencers to develop eye-catching, inventive, and captivating campaigns. This might entail cooperative freebies, behind-the-scenes footage, tutorials, and unboxing videos.
  5. Long-Term connections: If you want to stay present in influencers' material regularly, think about forming long-term connections with them. Over time, this facilitates the development of a stronger bond with their audience.

You can maximize the impact of your influencer marketing efforts, reach a wider audience, and successfully amplify your brand message by carefully working with the right influencers and leveraging a range of promotional channels.


8. Visuals

A successful use of images is a straightforward yet successful marketing tactic: don't tell, demonstrate. Videos and well-produced pictures may convey your point more effectively than just words. Here's how to make the most of the visual material you create:

  1. Produce Eye-Catching Videos and Images: Make visuals that grab viewers' attention right away. In the congested digital ad scene, stand out with your commercials by utilizing high-quality visuals, captivating compositions, and brilliant colors.
  2. Interactive Ads: Use interactive graphics to draw viewers in, including surveys, tests, and augmented reality content. Users are invited to engage with interactive advertisements, increasing the impact and memorability of the advertising experience.
  3. Utilize Video Content: One of the most successful advertising mediums is still video. In a recent Statista poll, 78% of participants considered YouTube ads effective. To effectively communicate your message, use a variety of video forms, such as lessons, live streaming, and brief snippets.
  4. Graphic Elements in SMS (MMS/RCS) Messages: By adding visual components to your Rich Communication Services (RCS) or Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages, you may increase the interaction of your SMS marketing campaigns. Your messages may become more visually appealing and engaging by including photos, GIFs, or brief films.

Ads that effectively communicate your message and capture attention may be made by concentrating on eye-catching imagery. A brand may become remembered and increase engagement with appealing images in a world when customers are inundated with information all the time.


9. Personalized Messages for Your Target Audience

More than ever, personalized marketing is essential to building deep relationships with your target audience. Engaging and retaining customers may be greatly increased by making everyone feel unique and important. Here's how to include tailored messaging into your advertising campaign in an efficient manner:

  1. Utilize Customer Data: Customize your offers, suggestions, and messaging by utilizing data like names, ages, and demographics. Your messages may become more interesting and relevant, as a result, raising the possibility that someone will convert.
  2. Targeted SMS Offers: Send customized SMS offers that are tailored to the human behavior and preferences of your potential customers. Reaching your audience with SMS is quick and easy, and you can increase the effect of these messages by customizing them.
  3. Personalized Voice and Video Messages: Produce Voice or Video messages that are specifically tailored to your consumers, addressing them by name and including pertinent data. Adding a personal touch to your communication might help it seem more authentic and stand out.
  4. Social Media Audience Segmentation: Ensure your advertisements are more relevant by tailoring them specifically for each segment. Utilize audience segmentation on social media platforms to categorize your audience into groups based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  5. AI-Powered Customization: To improve customization efforts, use AI tools. Certain AI systems, for instance, can start email-sent video advertisements with each customer's name. To customize each recipient's experience, create a template video, enter your subscriber list, and let the AI take care of the rest.

You can make every customer feel valued and unique by putting these customized marketing strategies into practice. This improves engagement and encourages enduring loyalty, which improves the performance of your advertising initiatives.


Success Story: How Samsung Netherlands Used Reels for Higher Engagement

Samsung Netherlands wanted to reach more Gen Z consumers with its new top smartphone, the Galaxy S23, and improve sales. Reaching a group that is recognized for having short attention spans and great visual engagement on dynamic platforms was a challenge.

Samsung created a unique set of creatives for their ads, especially for Facebook Reels, a feature that permits brief video snippets. Samsung aimed to capitalize on the platform's appeal to Generation Z by transforming information into the Reels format, which would pique users' interest and encourage interaction. Bright images, smooth transitions, and realistic situations were all used in the advertisements to appeal to younger audiences.

Here are things that were put into practice:

  • Tailored Content: Samsung created brief but powerful films that showcased the special qualities of the Galaxy S23, including its sophisticated photography capabilities, elegant appearance, and cutting-edge technology.
  • Influencer Partnership: Samsung partnered with well-known Gen Z influencers who showcased the smartphone's functionality in real-world scenarios to increase trust and exposure.
  • Interactive Features: To promote user involvement and input, the advertisements featured interactive features like stickers and polls.

Samsung Netherlands saw increased ad visibility and engagement for its Galaxy S23 smartphone. For the Galaxy S23 smartphone, Samsung Netherlands witnessed a notable increase in ad exposure and interaction. Consumers who interacted with the brand more actively produced:

  • Improved metrics like likes, shares, comments, and general interaction rates indicate higher levels of engagement.
  • Enhanced Brand Recognition: A significant increase in brand recognition within the intended audience.
  • Increased Sales: The Reels campaign is responsible for a demonstrable rise in sales inquiries and conversions.

This case study shows how influencer relationships and platform-specific capabilities may be used to effectively engage a target audience and accomplish marketing objectives. Samsung Netherlands was able to effectively catch the attention of the younger generation and foster meaningful relationships by comprehending their preferences and habits.


Measuring success and optimizing your digital advertising campaigns

Advertising that works has to be continuously measured and adjusted. To find out what's working, keep an eye on key performance indicators like open rates, click through rates (CTR), and conversion rates.

Review the same ad performance data regularly to improve your tactics and manage your spending. For example:

  • A/B testing: Examine several ad options to see which ones your audience responds to the best.
  • Adapt to Consumer Behavior: To ensure that your advertisements remain relevant, keep an eye out for shifting consumer preferences and market trends.
  • Quick Adaptation: To ensure your tactics continue to work, be adaptable and responsive.

Improve the effectiveness and impact of your advertising campaigns and make sure they are in line with your audience's requirements and your company goals by consistently measuring and optimizing.



To sum up, here are the top 9 common advertising techniques for 2024: Social Proof, Storytelling, Omnichannel Marketing, Repetition, Asking Questions, Psychology of Color, Influencer Marketing, Visuals, Personalized Messages.

Use Decision Telecom's bulk SMS messaging service, Voice, RCS, and WhatsApp/Viber to reach your audience across numerous touchpoints and successfully build an omnichannel advertising strategy. These solutions ensure your brand is consistent and visible, giving your clients a cohesive experience.

Start your omnichannel advertising campaign with Decision Telecom today! Use our bulk SMS messaging service, voice, RCS, and WhatsApp/Viber services to ensure your brand stands out and connects with your audience seamlessly. Get in touch with us to learn more and elevate your advertising strategy in 2024.

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