News and Events
The transition to electronic receipts is the key to quality service in e-commerce
Flexibility of processes is the basis of modern business. Consumers are looking for companies that offer quality, yet fast, service and support....
Summer SMS-messaging: three rules for effective communication with customers during the holiday season
Seasonal SMS campaigns are a good way to capture the attention of consumers, set up communication with customers and stimulate sales. And summer...
How to Achieve a 35% Conversion Rate Increase: Real Experience from INPRIME and Decision Telecom via Chat Application
Implementing effective strategies to increase conversions is one of the key tasks for any company, especially in today's digital world. It...
+185% sales with Viber Business Messaging (case of Geliar Gym)
Communication plays a vital role in modern business. Customers expect efficiency, convenience and personalization from interaction with...
Why customer touchpoints are a key success factor in today's business
How often have you wondered what makes a customer choose this particular brand or company? Perhaps an advertisement that flashed on the street,...
WhatsApp Business API Sets New Tariffs: What This Means for Business and Users
Meta Announces Transition to New WhatsApp Business API (WABA) Pricing (and Commissions) Model Based on Communication Templates. The changes...
API mobile identification: a new step in protecting users' personal data
API mobile identification is a software interface that allows users to sign in to the app using credentials from other platforms or services,...
From 1G to 5G: Evolution of telecommunication networks
Telecommunications networks have undergone significant development over time. First-generation 1G communication standards were characterised by...
IoT technology and the horizons it opens up for business
Ultra-sensitive sensors that control the temperature and lighting in the house. Super-high-speed electric trains that themselves transmit...