Official SDKs

SDK development for communication tools

The software market today makes it possible to provide almost all customer requests for high-quality digital communications. However, in some cases in Ukraine, specific tasks cannot be solved by a standard set of components. Moreover, the use of basic programming languages may be difficult due to the lack of typical instruction sets to be applied when writing code on a given topic. In this case, only the development of our own SDKs will help facilitate the work of creating efficiently working software in the future. For a company aimed at the global market, such a step would be a fundamental step in development.

The above procedure allows to organize interaction at the highest level of existing and proprietary programs. For example, Viber for Business can be successfully integrated into an enterprise's electronic system and automatically called from a larger application. The same applies to RCS messaging technology or bank payment components. IT-Decision Telecom is capable of performing a full range of works in this direction.

Boosting business development with proprietary programs

Each SDK library is developed for specific areas, the range of which can be quite wide. The price for their development can be higher than for conventional programs, but getting an optimized complex to create your own is very promising. This approach further reduces the time to write programs and their cost by several orders of magnitude. Even just integrating an SMS for business package is technically much easier after the above procedures.

Decision Telecom has top-notch specialists capable of creating basic tools of this kind. Their extensive experience will be useful for businesses of any orientation. After a thorough consultation, the client will be asked to order only the necessary work. The price for such a service is individual and negotiated separately. Technology of including WhatsApp for business in SDK is already quite mature. After-sales services will help to optimize the product already in the course of its application.