SMS Gateway API Features: What It Is and How It Works
Sergii Diachenko
Sergii Diachenko
CEO at DecisionTelecom

SMS Gateway API Features: What It Is and How It Works

The advent of short SMS transmission technology has had a positive impact on the telecommunications sector. Over time, there were requests to simplify the process of SMS messaging, as sending using a smartphone was complicated by differing protocols of phone manufacturers, the high cost of international mailing, and other factors. The technology that allows you to send SMS without the use of mobile operators was called an SMS gateway for receiving messages.

What is an SMS gateway?

An SMS gateway is a hardware and software component equipped to connect to another network over the Internet using protocols. In simple words, an SMS gateway is an interface that serves as an entry and exit point for text messages.

The SMS Gateway for receiving messages is API-based integration across applications, networks, and databases. The service automatically compresses the text message and converts it into a packet of data that can be delivered over the network. As a result, upon reaching the recipient, the data is converted into SMS for reading. 

The principle of operation of the SMS Gateway API is similar to the operation of the VoIP protocol, which can be read about in our article.

Thus, an SMS gateway is an intermediary between two SMS centers, with the help of which a business automates the sending of SMS mailings, making it faster and less costly.

Sections of the SMS Gateway API

The SMS gateway service for receiving messages is used by businesses from different areas. This is a convenient and effective way to set up mass messaging that will reach recipients in a matter of seconds. You can plan SMS campaigns from an intuitive interface from any device that has Internet access.

SMS Gateway API connection is used for: 

  • notifications of bank customers about transactions;
  • registration confirmation via SMS;
  • notifications about the status of order fulfillment and others.

The SMS Gateway API can also provide additional security if you have large amounts of data stored on your system.

How to integrate SMS Gateway API into the platform

Decision Telecom service provider allows you to set up automatic bulk SMS sending through a convenient cabinet on our platform, but you can also integrate our API into your CRM system. 

For a fair fee, you will receive not only the ability to use our SMS gateway to send messages, but also the services of a personal manager, and free technical support.

Our intelligent SMS routes guarantee the speed and quality of message delivery anywhere in the world. For cooperation, contact the sales department.

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