Intelligent Queue: How to Make SMS Messaging More Efficient
Sergii Diachenko
Sergii Diachenko
CEO at DecisionTelecom

Intelligent Queue: How to Make SMS Messaging More Efficient

When planning to implement SMS messaging for business, companies should consider all the possibilities of optimizing this tool. The intelligent queue is one of the technologies, the use of which is almost mandatory in this case. This product does two things: it automatically monitors your approved bandwidth limits and actually manages the message delivery process.

Why smart queue is important

Smart Queuing is a technology that allows you to send SMS at maximum speed and without exceeding approved bandwidth limits. This means that your SMS messaging will not contain any missed or blocked messages.

In short, the method guarantees that emails will be delivered to your customers 100% of the time. This improves the efficiency of SMS messaging for business and reduces costs.

Advantages of technology for SMS messaging

Based on the capabilities of the intelligent queue, this technology has a number of advantages. They will increase the effectiveness and profitability of your SMS messaging.

Delivery Guarantee

The intelligent queue ensures that your SMS will be delivered to the subscribers. Because messages are sent at their maximum speed and do not exceed the approved bandwidth limits.

Conversion boost

Sending at the right time and in accordance with the recipient's preferences increases the likelihood that messages will be read and processed. This can lead to an increase in the conversion rate of SMS messaging for businesses.

For example, if you want to send a notification with a discount offer on home products, you can do it on weekdays when people use their phones more often.

Reducing the number of complaints

Sending too many messages in a short amount of time may result in complaints from subscribers. Intelligent queue avoids this by adjusting the speed of delivery.

Therefore, you will maintain good relationships with customers and avoid fines from telecom operators.

Improving the quality of customer service

By sending SMS at the right time and taking into account the preferences of the recipient, you can improve the quality of user experience.

For example, if you want to send a booking confirmation notification, send it immediately after the customer makes a booking.

We guarantee a throughput of up to 100 SMS per second

The actual speed of sending SMS messaging ranges from 5 to 150 SMS per second for each mobile operator.

According to the experience of Decision Telecom, the final recipient can count on a variable sending speed: from 10 to 50 SMS messages per second. Note that for 99% of users this will be enough.

Decision Telecom is an honest and transparent mobile marketing service provider. We do not make fabulous claims about the speed of delivery and guarantee our customers a delivery speed of up to 100 SMS per second.

To check the real capabilities of the service, register on our website and test the system for free.

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