Sending a Special Discount Offer Message: Tips and Templates
Sergii Diachenko
Sergii Diachenko
CEO at DecisionTelecom

Sending a Special Discount Offer Message: Tips and Templates

Why do special offers work so well? It's all about psychology. Discounts make customers happy and excited, as highlighted by a report from Namogoo. Special offers can trigger positive emotions and a sense of urgency, often leading people to consider purchases they hadn't planned on making.

The human mind is naturally intrigued by the discount offers and messages. Even when people know they don't need or want something, the idea of getting a great deal can be irresistible. This is partly due to the "scarcity effect," where limited availability makes an offer seem more valuable. Additionally, the "fear of missing out" (FOMO) can spur people to act quickly, further enhancing the appeal of special offers.

Given the immediacy of text messaging, it's one of the best ways to deliver special offers. Text messages are typically read within minutes, providing a quick and direct line to potential customers. This instant reach is key to capitalizing on the excitement and urgency created by special offers, encouraging prompt action and boosting sales. Plus, the personal touch of receiving a message directly to one's phone can make the offer feel exclusive and tailored, adding to the overall positive experience.


The components of an irresistible discount text

Creating a compelling promotional SMS message requires careful thought and a strategic approach. With the limited space in a text message, every character counts. Here are the key components to craft an irresistible discount promotional text message that not only captures attention but also drives action:

1. Hook Them from the First WORD

In the world of SMS, the opening line is everything. With just a few characters to make an impression, it’s crucial to hook your audience from the very first word. Use engaging and attention-grabbing words or phrases to spark interest. This initial hook can be the difference between your message being read or ignored, so make it count!

2. Highlight the Value Beyond Just Discounts

While a percentage discount like "X % off" is attractive, adding more value can make your offer truly stand out. Show them the value of the product or sale by highlighting additional perks. Mentioning extras like free shipping, exclusive or early access to new arrivals, or special bundles adds appeal and provides customers with more reasons to act. These added incentives make the deal more compelling and can enhance the overall perceived value, encouraging customers to take advantage of the offer.

3. Create a Sense of Urgency

To encourage immediate action, create a sense of urgency. Highlight that the offer is available for a limited time or that supplies are running out. Use phrases like "limited time only," "last chance," or "while stocks last" to convey urgency. This not only prompts quick decisions but also taps into the fear of missing out (FOMO), motivating customers to act fast.

4. Write Effective Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Your call-to-action (CTA) is a crucial element of your SMS message. It should be clear, specific, and action-oriented. Phrases like "Shop Now," "Grab Your Deal," or "Claim Your Offer" are direct and encourage immediate action. A good CTA tells the recipient exactly what to do next, helping to convert interest into action.

5. Personalize Your Messages

Personalization can significantly boost the effectiveness of your own promotional messages and texts. Start by addressing the recipient by name, which instantly makes the message feel more personal and relevant. If possible, tailor the content based on their previous purchases or browsing history. Mentioning items from their wishlist or recommending products similar to their past purchases can create a stronger connection and increase the likelihood of conversion.

By incorporating these elements, you can craft promotional SMS messages that are not only engaging but also effective in driving action. Remember, the key to a successful discount text is to make it clear, compelling, and personal. This approach will help ensure your promotional text message examples resonate with your audience, encouraging them to take advantage of your offer.


14+ examples of different types of discount text messages

In the world of digital marketing, SMS stands out as a powerful tool for engaging customers. With high open rates and immediacy, text messages are an excellent way to deliver personalized discounts and offers. Whether you're aiming to boost sales, recover abandoned carts, or simply show appreciation, crafting the right text message examples can make all the difference. Let's explore 14+ types of discount text messages that can help you build stronger customer relationships and drive business growth.


1. Just Because

Surprise Deals to Show Appreciation

Sometimes, the best reason to send a discount is no reason to write a discount offer message at all. A "just because" offer can surprise and delight your customers, showing them that you appreciate their loyalty without any special occasion.

This message creates a warm and personal connection, with customer lifetime value making customers feel valued. A simple gesture like this can leave a lasting positive impression on your customers.


2. Celebrations

Mark Special Occasions with Exclusive Offers

Celebrate your customers' milestones and your brand's significant events with special discounts. This approach not only commemorates important dates but also strengthens the emotional bond with your loyal customers.

Celebrating your brand’s milestones with your customers makes them feel like a part of your success story.

Personalized birthday messages can make customers feel recognized and valued.


3. Flash Sales

Create Urgency with Limited-Time Offers

Limited time offer sales are effective for creating a sense of urgency and excitement. By offering a substantial discount for a limited time, you can encourage quick decision-making and boost sales.

This message uses urgency to prompt immediate action, making it highly effective.

A flash sale with a significant discount can drive a surge in purchases, especially if the offer is time-sensitive.


4. Abandoned Cart Recovery

Encourage Customers to Complete Their Purchase

Recovering abandoned carts is a crucial strategy for maximizing sales. A well-timed, discount offer message can entice customers to return and complete their purchase. This friendly reminder, coupled with a discount, can help convert abandoned carts into completed purchases.

This approach not only recovers lost sales but also shows that you care about their shopping experience.


5. VIP or Exclusive Discounts

Reward Your Best Customers with Special Offers

Make your top customers feel special with exclusive discounts not available to the general public. This approach rewards loyalty and enhances your relationship with your most valuable customers.

Exclusive offers reinforce the special status of VIP customers and make them feel appreciated. Emphasizing the unique nature of the offer adds value and makes the customer feel privileged.


6. Tiered Discounts

Encourage Larger Purchases with Spend-Based Offers

Tiered discounts incentivize customers to spend more by offering increasing discounts based on the total amount spent. This strategy can effectively increase your average order value.

This type of discount encourages customers to add more items to their cart to reach the next discount tier. Tiered discounts are a great way to boost sales and encourage bulk buying.


7. Referral Bonuses

Turn Your Customers into Brand Advocates

Referral bonuses reward customers for their loyalty program bringing in new clients. This approach leverages word-of-mouth marketing and can significantly expand your customer base.

Referral programs incentivize both the referrer and the new customer, making it a win-win situation. Simple and effective, referral bonuses encourage your existing customers to share their positive experiences.


8. Mystery Deals

Add Excitement with Surprise Discounts

Mystery deals create a sense of intrigue and excitement, making your promotions more engaging and fun for customers.

The element of surprise in a mystery deal can entice customers to shop just to see what they’ll receive. Mystery deals can turn shopping into an exciting experience, driving engagement and purchases.


9. BOGO Offers

Boost Sales with Buy One, Get One Deals

BOGO (Buy One, Get One) offers are a classic promotion that encourages customers to purchase more. These deals are straightforward and effective in increasing sales volume.

BOGO deals are ideal for clearing out inventory or promoting new products. This variation can still motivate customers to buy more while providing a substantial discount.


10. Coupon Code Texts

Deliver Easy-to-Use Discounts via SMS

Coupon codes sent via SMS are convenient for customers to use and can drive immediate sales, providing a straightforward way to offer discounts. A simple, clear message makes it easy for customers to redeem their discount, making SMS coupon codes a powerful tool for encouraging purchases.


11. Industry-Specific Examples of Discount Text Messages

Tailoring your SMS marketing messages to fit the specific characteristics of your industry can make your promotions more effective and engaging. Here are some examples for different industries:



In the e-commerce sector, focusing on products and creating a sense of urgency can drive immediate action.

This message combines urgency with a focus on popular products in online stores, encouraging quick purchases.

Highlighting a site-wide sale with a ticking clock creates a compelling reason for customers to act fast.



For restaurants, using appetizing adjectives and playful food puns can make the messages more engaging and mouth-watering.

This promotional message uses a casual tone and vivid imagery to appeal to customers’ senses.

Food puns like "Taco 'bout a deal" add a fun element that can make the offer more memorable.


Service-Based Businesses

In service-based industries, focusing on themes of relaxation and pampering can resonate well with customers looking for a break.

This message emphasizes relaxation and self-care, appealing to customers' desire for pampering.

Offering an upgrade highlights added value, enhancing the appeal of the service.


Subscription Boxes

For subscription box services, offering freebies or upgrades can be an enticing way to attract and retain customers.

This message leverages the excitement of a surprise, which can be a strong motivator for subscribers.

Encouraging an upgrade with a discount appeals to customers looking to enhance their subscription experience.

In conclusion, crafting effective discount text messages is both an art and a science. Whether you're surprising customers with a "just because" discount, celebrating special occasions, or offering exclusive deals to your VIPs, the key is to make your messages clear, personalized, and compelling. By tailoring your approach to suit different situations and customer segments, you can enhance engagement, build loyalty, and drive sales. Remember, the best messages are those that not only entice but also communicate value, urgency, and appreciation. So, experiment with these ideas, and let your creativity shine through each discount message example you send.


How to measure the success of your SMS discount code messages

Sending out SMS discount codes is a fantastic way to engage your customers, but how can you tell if it's working? Here are some friendly tips to help you measure the success of your SMS campaigns:

  • Track Click-Through Rates (CTR)

If your SMS messages include links, keeping an eye on the click-through rates (CTR) can give you a good sense of how well your offers are catching attention. This metric shows you which messages are leading people to click and visit your website. High CTRs suggest that your discounts and messaging are appealing. Comparing CTRs across different campaigns can help you see which types of offers your audience likes best.

  • Monitor Redemption Rates

Redemption rates tell you how many people are actually using the discounts, coupons, or promo codes you send out. It's a direct way to see if your offers are not just interesting but also valuable enough for customers to take action. If redemption rates are low, it might mean that while people are curious, they don't find the offer compelling enough to make a purchase.

  • Assess Revenue Impact

One of the simplest ways to measure the success of your SMS campaigns is to look at the sales they generate. Did your special offers lead to an increase in revenue or higher average order values? By comparing sales data before, during, and after your campaign, you can see its financial impact and figure out your return on investment (ROI).

  • Gather and Analyze Customer Feedback

Listening to your customers is key! Pay attention to what they say in response to your SMS messages. Positive feedback can confirm you're on the right track, while constructive criticism can provide valuable insights for improvement. If you're running a conversational campaign and notice a lack of responses, it might be a sign that your offers or messaging need tweaking to better engage your audience.

By keeping track of these indicators and being open to feedback, you can better understand how your SMS discount campaigns are performing. This will help you make informed adjustments, ensuring your future discount offer messages will continue to delight your customers and drive results.


How to keep your SMS marketing efforts legal

SMS marketing can be a powerful tool for engaging with customers and boosting sales, but it's crucial to ensure that your efforts are both effective and compliant with legal regulations. Here's a friendly and easy-to-understand guide to keeping your promotional text message practices legal and respectful.


1. Get Consent First

Before you start sending promotional text messages, it's essential to obtain explicit consent from your customers. Unsolicited texts are not only annoying but also illegal under various regulations worldwide, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) in the United Kingdom.

Why Consent is Crucial:

  • Legal Compliance: Sending messages without consent can result in hefty fines and legal action.
  • Customer Trust: Respecting privacy builds trust and goodwill with your audience.
  • Effective Communication: Consented recipients are more likely to engage positively with your messages.

How to Get Consent:

  • Opt-In Mechanisms: Use clear opt-in methods, such as checkboxes on sign-up forms, where customers can voluntarily provide their phone numbers for marketing communications.
  • Double Opt-In: Consider using a double opt-in process, where customers confirm their subscription via a follow-up message, ensuring they truly want to receive your texts.
  • Clear Messaging: Explain what customers are signing up for, including the type of messages they'll receive and how often.


2. Communicate the Rules Clearly

Transparency is key in SMS marketing. Clearly communicate any terms and conditions associated with your promotions to avoid confusion and frustration.

Include the Following Information:

  • Expiration Dates: Clearly state when the offer expires to create a sense of urgency and prevent misunderstandings.
  • Restrictions: Specify any limitations, such as "cannot be combined with other offers" or "only one use per customer," to set clear expectations.
  • Terms and Conditions: Provide a link to full terms and conditions if they are too detailed to include in the SMS itself. Keep the language simple and easy to understand.


3. Let Them Unsubscribe Easily

Respecting your customers' choice to opt out is not only good practice but also a legal requirement. Making it easy for customers to unsubscribe from your SMS list helps maintain a positive relationship and keeps you compliant with regulations.

Best Practices for Unsubscribing:

  • Simple Instructions: Include a straightforward instruction like "Reply STOP to unsubscribe" in your messages.
  • Immediate Processing: Ensure that unsubscribe requests are processed promptly to avoid sending further messages to those who opt-out.
  • No Hard Feelings: Thank customers for their time and express a willingness to welcome them back in the future. This leaves a positive final impression.

Legal compliance in promotional text messages isn't just about avoiding penalties; it's about respecting your customers and building a trustworthy brand. By obtaining consent, communicating clearly, and making it easy for customers to unsubscribe, you create a respectful and positive communication channel. This approach not only keeps you within legal boundaries but also enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Remember, a well-informed and engaged customer is more likely to appreciate your messages and respond positively, helping your SMS marketing efforts achieve their full potential.



In this article, we explored 14+ creative and effective types of discount text messages, from spontaneous "just because" offers to strategic flash sales and exclusive VIP discounts. Each type of discount message serves a unique purpose, whether it’s to surprise and delight your customers, celebrate important milestones, or recover abandoned carts. The key to successful promotional text messaging lies in clear, concise messaging, personalization, and creating a sense of urgency.

To start crafting your own impactful SMS campaigns, consider using Decision Telecom’s SMS marketing service. With our easy-to-use platform, you can quickly reach your audience with tailored messages that resonate. Whether you’re looking to boost sales, enhance customer loyalty, or simply keep your brand top-of-mind, we offer the tools and support you need to succeed.

Ready to elevate your marketing efforts? Sign up with Decision Telecom today and start connecting with your customers in a more meaningful way. Let us help you craft messages that not only reach but also resonate and convert. Start your SMS marketing journey now!

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