How to Engage Customers and Request Feedback

How to Engage Customers and Request Feedback

The more reviews your existing or growing company receives, the more recognisable your business becomes, enhancing brand awareness, service, or product recognition. Customer reviews wield substantial influence, impacting both potential customers' buying decisions and your business goals.

But how can you encourage customers to write reviews? How can you persuade them to share their opinions?

The primary channels for customer interaction include email, social media, messengers, and SMS. SMS garners quicker responses, within 90 seconds, compared to emails or Facebook/Instagram posts. Therefore, leveraging SMS to encourage customers to review your company stands as one of the most effective feedback gathering methods.

How to Craft the Right Enquiry

Here are 5 tips to help you create the most effective, yet simple and unobtrusive message possible.

Personalise Your Newsletter

Effective SMS marketing relies on meaningful communication with the consumer. Address the customer by name to demonstrate that you remember who they are.

Utilise personalisation as a key tool in building relationships and to maximise feedback. One way to personalise your approach is by creating a specific review funnel for each product or service. For instance, if a customer purchases a particular product through your mobile app, ensure they can review the product directly within the app.

Incentivise the Customer/Buyer

Requesting reviews may easily go unnoticed by customers, considering that even a simple review requires their precious time.

However, you can leverage incentives to encourage them to share their opinions. Every consumer will appreciate even a small discount, bonus, or gift. Emphasise the significance of SMS by providing an enticing offer. You may also offer customers an extended subscription or a discount code in exchange for a review.

Be sure to express gratitude for honest customer feedback, assuring them that their opinion will not impact the reward.

Keep the Request As Simple As Possible

Craft short and clear phrases that succinctly instruct the customer on writing a response. Include a link to a social network or online resource where they can immediately leave a review without wasting time searching.

Ensure your call to action is clear and informative.

Choose the Right Time

Managers often make the mistake of sending out review requests too early. Allow people time to try out your services before requesting feedback. An early SMS message may be counterproductive, as the user has not had sufficient time to form an opinion.

Exercise patience, as it is the most important factor.

However, waiting too long poses a danger of damaging your brand and missing review opportunities. Calculate the right time to ask for a review. It is better to do it when people have received their products/services; this is when they are cordial and satisfied.

Asking for feedback is crucial if you have made certain changes to your website/store/services, such as an update or new content. This way, you show your customers how important their opinion is and express your desire for them to be involved in improving and growing your business.

The maximum concentration of attention and the ability to be distracted by phone signals are inherent in a person during the daytime. Early in the morning or late in the evening, a tired client can easily ignore the newsletter. Try to send the inquiry within a few days of receiving the product or service.

Explain Why Feedback Is Important

Before you start asking people for reviews, understand that some opinions will not be positive. Begin by gathering information about your customers, identifying regular customers and those satisfied with a particular service. Once you have this information, proceed to ask for reviews directly.

Don't be overly concerned if you receive a negative review; it can be turned into something positive. For instance, if a customer is dissatisfied with your communication and leaves negative feedback, acknowledge their dissatisfaction and work towards changing this attitude.

Feedback is about your communication with your customers, so if you notice a negative attitude, consider how to present the situation more effectively.

Emphasize that the review will benefit other customers. People are often more willing to help others find a better business, product, or service than merely contributing to feedback collection.

Make it clear in the text message that the customer's opinion is crucial to you; it will help you improve your service/product and provide better overall service.

Speak In a Relaxed Manner

Avoid begging for positive feedback, as it may create the impression of ingratiating yourself with the client. Instead, communicate naturally.

Take the Initiative to Answer Your Own Questions

While soliciting customer feedback is an effective way to gather opinions, consider asking more than once.

Customers may agree to provide feedback initially, but they might forget due to busy schedules. Assume that people are occupied, and they will write reviews only when they find the time.

To obtain feedback, regularly reach out to your customers, but avoid bombarding them with requests. Excessive communication may lead to boredom and frustration with your brand.

Respond to Every Review

Interact with those who have already provided feedback, as it compels others, including those who don't usually leave reviews, to share their thoughts. This engagement strategy promotes positive consumer interactions.

For efficient consumer engagement, utilize mass messaging. Manual writing is time-consuming and inefficient. Decision Telecom's SMS mailing service will automatically send thousands of SMS, prompting customers to write reviews. The powerful reporting tools enable you to request reviews wherever customers leave positive feedback and track the company's popularity growth.

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