Author's articles
AI + two-factor authentication = dream-level security
AI + two-factor authentication = dream-level security
In today's digital world, the security of data and personal information is becoming increasingly important. With the advent and development...
How to become invisible on the Internet: the most reliable ways to hide your location on the Internet
How to become invisible on the Internet: the most reliable ways to hide your location on the Internet
The leakage of personal data is a mass phenomenon in the modern Internet environment. Do you still believe, that online attackers have work hard...
Emoji in Viber messaging for business: what signs to choose and how to add them to the message template correctly
Emoji in Viber messaging for business: what signs to choose and how to add them to the message template correctly
The disadvantage of interaction through the Internet is the partial absence of an emotional component. Why partial? Despite the fact that the...
Viber Bussines
Why businesses should pay special attention to geotargeting SMS campaigns
Why businesses should pay special attention to geotargeting SMS campaigns
Many marketers are familiar with the concept of geotargeting, and some have even successfully applied this method of promoting goods and...
Binary SMS messages are an easy way to make your messaging memorable
Binary SMS messages are an easy way to make your messaging memorable
Now it is very difficult to surprise a user with multimedia content, but the use of pictures, audio, and gif in traditional text messages still...
From 1G to 5G: Evolution of telecommunication networks
From 1G to 5G: Evolution of telecommunication networks
Telecommunications networks have undergone significant development over time. First-generation 1G communication standards were characterised by...
Top 3 large-scale conferences in the field of telecommunications: where companies can find inspiration and develop
Top 3 large-scale conferences in the field of telecommunications: where companies can find inspiration and develop
The telecommunications field is one of the most dynamically developing. But in order to effectively interact with consumers and stay...
7 Benefits of Using Viber Mass Messaging for Your Business
7 Benefits of Using Viber Mass Messaging for Your Business Technology Viber for Business API — is a tool with which...
How to Set up a Viber Bulk Message Campaign in 5 Steps
How to Set up a Viber Bulk Message Campaign in 5 Steps
Viber is one of the leading providers in the telecom market and is used by businesses for two primary purposes: customer service and product or...