Texting vs Calling: What to Use in 2024
Sergii Diachenko
Sergii Diachenko
CEO at DecisionTelecom

Texting vs Calling: What to Use in 2024

Every business, at different stages of its growth, needs to send communications to existing and potential clients. The choice between voice calling and SMS messaging often depends on factors like personal preference and convenience, and customers and businesses both should have the right to decide which to choose.

In today's world of modern technologies and communication tools, people increasingly prefer to communicate by voice, including using voice assistants and commands to control appliances or, for example, a smart home. Voice messaging has become a trend and is gaining popularity as a business tool. In this landscape, voice calls aren’t going anywhere.

Simultaneously, texting remains an effective and widely used form of communication that people love for its convenience and efficiency. It’s one of the best methods to reach contacts instantly.

Decision Telecom specialists conducted a study to find out the preferences of modern users. Both of these crucial forms of communication have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to building relationships with customers and getting them involved. Let's explore this ongoing debate of texting vs calling and go over our key findings.


Voice and SMS: The two top marketing channels

The two most important forms of corporate communication, voice calls and SMS messages, both have their unique benefits. An astounding 86.29 percent of the world's population now own a smartphone – roughly 6.92 billion people have cell phones. Thus, both these channels are more accessible than ever before.

The SMS marketing sector has significantly grown over the years. According to Grand View Research, in the US alone, the SMS marketing sector is expected to be worth $12.6 billion by 2025, proving that businesses are aware of the potential of text-based communication and thus willing to invest heavily in it.

In comparison to email marketing, the engagement rates of SMS are remarkable, with an almost perfect 98% open rate, as reported by Selzy. Furthermore, 90% of customers reply to texts within 30 minutes. The immediacy and ease of texting have led to most customers choosing it over other business communication methods like phone calls or emails.

In a piece published by Tech Report, it was reported that 91% of customers wanted to receive SMS communications from businesses. Stats published by G2.com reveal that a large majority of customers – 90% – consider SMS loyalty programs as useful.



But making a phone call is still the best way to establish rapport and work through tricky issues, as revealed in a report on voice calling published by Windsor Telecom. For instance, 40% of customers greatly prefer human interaction for complex issues and would want to call and speak to a real person.

For in-depth discussions, complicated complaints, or even detailed product explanations, many customers still prefer phone calls because they allow for more back-and-forth and clarification. Compared to texting, talking on the phone and hearing someone’s voice creates a more human connection and builds trust. On top of that, calling someone is usually the fastest way to get someone's attention and address an urgent issue – 77% of participants in a survey by New Voice Media believed that a phone call is the most effective way to obtain quick answers.

When developing a multichannel communication strategy, both voice and SMS are crucial. When it comes to building relationships and handling complexities, voice calls truly shine, whereas SMS is excellent for instant yet non-intrusive updates and responses. Businesses that masterfully use both can create more engaging and customer-focused communication experiences.


The pros and cons of voice calls and text message communications

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of both text messages and voice communication will enable businesses to select the most suitable channel for their particular requirements.


Advantages of voice calls

Voice calling offers a personal touch that lets you immediately get feedback and create an emotional connection. This allows for real-time problem-solving and faster problem resolution. It's especially beneficial for developing genuine relationships, particularly in sectors where trust is extremely important.

For sophisticated conversations, calls are ideal because tone and inflection can portray subtleties that text messages can almost never catch, sometimes even despite using emojis.

Another advantage of voice calling noted by our research participants is that it is much easier, faster, and more convenient to perceive and listen to audio. You don't have to stop and look at the screen forever: just press a button and hear everything you need to on the go.

Many of our customers find that voice calls are better personalized and easier to answer. For example, when all you have to do is press certain buttons during the call to confirm a transaction or leave feedback, it saves a lot of time. Compare that to text messaging where you have to reply to a message via multiple key presses or follow a link.


Disadvantages of voice calls

Voice communication can be invasive and demand immediate attention, which can be convenient for you but not for the person on the other end of the line. Such updates or communications can be unnecessarily time-consuming and thus ineffective.

Also, unless you’re recording all your calls (which can be expensive!), without documentation, the conversation lacks a proper record, potentially leading to misinterpretation or the omission of crucial details.

Sometimes, customers may be present in spaces where listening to audio calls and voice messages is inconvenient or inappropriate, like in crowded places where it is too noisy, there is a risk someone might overhear something sensitive, or there is a need for strict observance of silence.


Advantages of SMS messages

Text messages lend unmatched flexibility and ease. Unlike calls, which can convey a misplaced sense of urgency or pressure, recipients can read and respond to text messages at their convenience.

With very high open rates, SMS can ensure that recipients see the messages quickly. SMS messages are ideal for sending quick, concise updates, reminders for appointments, and so much more. For good record-keeping, text messages also offer a written log of the communications.

Text messages are also transmitted more easily and quickly than audio recordings or voice calls in certain situations, such as when there’s mobile network outage or lack of mobile coverage in a particular area. A text has higher chances of reaching the recipient's phone even in a network outage event and delivering the necessary information.

Most respondents in our survey noted that it is much more appropriate to use SMS messages for business communication, as the information is clearer, and they can always return to it if necessary. The recipient of a voice call may not have time to memorize or write down the necessary information.


Disdvantages of SMS messages

SMS messages can lack the personal touch and fail to convey emotions that are otherwise communicable over voice calls. The lack of body language and appropriate tone makes them vulnerable to misinterpretation, which can easily lead to spoiled relationships.

On top of that, communication may not be so effective, especially if you want to convey a complicated message, due to strict character limits per SMS. Plus, if the recipient does not regularly check their phone or your text becomes lost in a flood of texts, there is a risk of missing messages. Text messaging sensitive data could also raise privacy issues, particularly on shared devices.


How to choose between text messages and phone calls



When deciding between voice calls and text messages for marketing efforts, businesses should consider the following factors.



How quickly does your message need to be conveyed to your customers? For immediate attention, phone calls are best. Texts are excellent for reminders or non-urgent updates.



Think about the complexity of the message you want to convey. Phone calls are the most effective means of communicating sensitive information or detailed explanations. Simple offers or short announcements work well for texts.


Customer preferences

Who is your target audience? Take the demographics into account, with reasonable behavioral predictions. For instance, younger generations may prefer texting, while older generations might appreciate phone calls.


Response rates

Are your customers more receptive to voice calls or text messages? Track the performance for previous campaigns or conduct surveys, for starters, to determine future success.


Example situations where texting is ideal

  • A short but catchy text message can announce flash sales, limited-time offers, or exclusive coupons for SMS subscribers. It gives customers something to come back to.

  • A quick text for an appointment reminder, containing the date, time, and even location, ensures clarity and minimizes scheduling conflicts and no-shows.

  • Brief text updates about order confirmation or status, shipping details, or service disruption announcements keep customers informed without requiring a lengthy conversation where each customer may want to ask plenty of follow-up questions.


Example situations where voice calling is ideal

  • Complex products or services would benefit from personalized phone consultations. This allows for back-and-forth discussion, immediate clarification for any questions the curious customer might have, and building a rapport with them right from the start.

  • A phone call is a proactive method to nurture leads, enabling personal introductions and connections, and a better exploration of specific needs.

  • For intricate problems or those requiring troubleshooting, a phone call is ideal because it makes room for detailed explanations, real-time problem-solving, and a more efficient path to a resolution.



The choice between texting and calling isn't binary; it's about leveraging each channel's strengths and staying wary of potential downsides.

Text messaging boasts impressive open rates, rapid response times, and convenience, making it ideal for appointment reminders, promotions, quick updates, and similar messaging content.  However, voice calls remain irreplaceable for complex discussions, building rapport, and tackling larger issues. The human touch is crucial for industries requiring trust and detailed explanations.

Hence, we can conclude that if implemented and used correctly, voice calls and messages will be beneficial and have the potential to become a vital communication tool for businesses.

Decision Telecom will help you find a specific solution that meets your needs. For more detailed information on call or text options, or other general inquiries, contact our experts.

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