Emoji in Viber messaging for business: what signs to choose and how to add them to the message template correctly
Sergii Diachenko
Sergii Diachenko
CEO at DecisionTelecom
Viber Bussines

Emoji in Viber messaging for business: what signs to choose and how to add them to the message template correctly

The disadvantage of interaction through the Internet is the partial absence of an emotional component. Why partial? Despite the fact that the interlocutors are not able to fully express their feelings through the message, emoji will help to dilute and enliven the text.

Today we will talk about how companies can use cute emojis in Viber messaging for business in order to attract the attention of customers. And most importantly, we will learn how to correctly add emoticons and other characters to the letter template so that the SMS is displayed correctly after receiving. Let's go! ?

Benefits of commercial Viber messaging for business

Mass Viber business messaging, depending on the goals of the marketing campaign, is one of the most popular ways to promote and sell products, inform, engage customers, and increase brand awareness. Due to the popularity of the messenger, businesses can interact with customers almost anywhere in the world where the Internet is available.

Why choose this application for sending mass commercial messages? Let's take a look at the opportunities that the messenger opens up for companies:

  1. Inform your recipients in detail, without limiting the number of characters. Unlike SMS, where the message length is limited to 160 characters, and in the case of using atypical characters and emoji, it is reduced to 70, the text of the letter in Viber is allowed to reach 1,000 characters.
  2. Visualize the offer in all its glory. In Viber business messaging, you can not only tell customers about great offers but also demonstrate them visually. Moreover, multimedia content is not limited to images but can be in the form of GIF, audio, video, interactive survey.
  3. Add "hardwired" links and UTM tags. The application supports hyperlinks, CTA buttons - and this is good news for businesses. Thanks to the ability to instantly convert, you increase conversions and get conversion statistics at a glance.
  4. Control messaging with the help of convenient statistics. If you're partnering with a telecommunications messaging platform like Decision Telecom, the service provider will most often provide analytics tools that allow you to track the results of campaigns. However, Viber also offers its own statistics.

Read more about how to set up Viber messaging for business in our blog.

When to Use Emojis in Marketing Messages

It is unlikely that there will be a smartphone user who has not sent an emoji to the interlocutor at least once in his life. In 2020 World Economic Forum studied the use of icons, and as it turned out, more than 5 billion emojis are sent daily in correspondence. And this is only through Facebook!

Emojis, emoticons, emoticons, are icons of faces, objects, gestures, and phenomena for communicating on the Internet. Each character is encoded in Unicode format, which turns into a thumbnail image on the recipient's device.

The emoji first appeared in Japan in the 1990s. Now it is a universal tool that can be used regardless of the field of activity of the company.

Unicode special characters are actively used by companies in Viber business messaging for:

  • Attracting attention. Bright and colorful emoji accentuate the average text message, making the messaging more noticeable.
  • Clarification of the content of the SMS. This is a great way to both convey emotions through the screen and focus on the main thing in the message. For example, instead of the word "gift" or in addition to it, use an icon ?, for the parcel — ? and others.
  • Identity formation: the use of emoticons in the same style allows you to increase brand awareness. Many brand books have a section on the use of emojis.

Let's compare two messages of Viber-messaging for business.

An average commercial message to promote the app of a well-known Ukrainian telecom operator. This, with a high degree of probability, will be lost among dozens of other SMS in Viber messaging.

The company broke up the text into logical paragraphs, used a list, but in general, the letter looks like a continuous canvas. Does not catch the eye and does not draw attention.

That can’t be said about this proposal. The text of the letter is perfectly structured with the help of emoji. SMS is read at a fast pace, which is set by icons. The accents are well defined. The buyer sees the benefit, and this involves him in interaction with the brand.

What do popular emoticons mean and what codes do they correspond to

Choosing the right emoji is critical for Viber messaging for business. If in personal correspondence the interlocutors can delete the message, explain the reason for the selected emoji, and apologize in case of incorrect interpretation, then companies do not have such privileges. In the advertising mailing, each sign and symbol must be thought out and justified.

Emoticons in Viber are represented by a large collection. Finding a picture that fits the meaning is not so easy. The decoding of most icons is done with the help of the imagination - there is no exact interpretation. In the table we have collected the most popular emojis for Viber business messaging with codes:

































































































You can notice a pattern: the name of the emoticon displays the emotion that it is intended to express in the message.

Today, Viber has more than 500 emoticons, and their number is replenished with each update. Where can I get a complete list of emoji and codes for them?

Searches for “smileys for letters”, emoji for SMS and the like will open a lot of links, but you are unlikely to find a suitable source. Moreover, in order for the recipient to see the correct display of the inserted element in the Viber messaging for business, you need to know its code specifically for this application.

In this case, we will give two tips:

  1. Use the provided table, and also include logic when choosing a suitable emoticon.
  2. When you move the mouse cursor over the icon in the messenger, its code is displayed in brackets. Use it when creating a letter template.

So, we have come to the main question of this article: how to add emoji to Viber messaging for business so that they are read correctly by the recipient?

How to properly add characters to an email for relevant display

Many company owners, especially those who set up Viber business messaging on their own, believe that in order for emojis to be displayed in a message, it is enough to copy an emoticon from the Unicode table. As a result, the letter template often looks like this:

In the Decision Telecom admin panel, you will not be able to send such a message, because the system simply will not let it pass. The client will be informed about this by a pop-up window:

However, some services send Viber business messaging in this format without any problems. This threatens that the letter will be displayed incorrectly on certain devices and operating systems, transmitted as a set of letters and numbers, extraneous characters.

Would the recipient want to read such an SMS? At best, they will simply ignore it, at worst, they will add you to the Spam folder.

Instead of tempting fate, we immediately offer the correct method for entering emoji into a text editing block. The template will look like this:

We recommend doing thorough testing before sending emails to make sure that any special characters you choose display correctly.

Finally, we will give brief recommendations on using emojis in Viber messaging for business:

  1. Insert emoji only when it is appropriate and helps to improve the perception of the message.
  2. Try not to replace words with emoticons, supplement the text with them according to the meaning.
  3. Choose emojis that match the subject and context of the message.
  4. Avoid negative and offensive icons.
  5. Stick to one color emoji in your messages.

We hope this guide will be useful to you and will become a useful cheat sheet when composing a letter for Viber business messaging.

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